Sunset Over the Mekong River


Miscellaneous quotes, perhaps original or reworkings of something I’ve heard

Quotes about faith

Many times when someone says, "the Bible clearly says..." they are about to say something the Bible clearly does not mean.

Satan likes to distract Christians by getting them to argue about the beginning times or the end times so that we don't engage with the present time and follow and obey Him in the here and now.

Heard on the radio once: Some people will throw out a whole bucket of truth because it contains a drop of error.  Some people will swallow a whole bushel of lies because it contains a grain of truth.

It is not the job of the president to usher in the Kingdom.  It is the job of the King and his subjects to bring in the Kingdom.

If there is revelation we can know some things about God;
If there is no revelation, Christianity is a farce.

Many conservatives put self in the place of God;
Many liberals put government in the place of God;
I don't think God likes either of those positions.

Incarnation-God becoming like us, except without sin
Resurrection-Us becoming like Christ, except without deity

If it ain't worth dyin' for,
It ain't worth livin' for.

The error of the arrogance of experience:
That kind of activity doesn't happen in our church and since we've got it in with God (being His true followers which is obvious by how He has blessed us), then that kind of activity must not be from God.
That kind of activity happens in our church and since we've got it in with God (being His true followers which is obvious by how He has blessed us), then that kind of activity must be from God.

The measure of the number of Jesus' disciples wasn't the crowds that followed him day to day as He taught and did miracles, but the few who followed him to the cross.

God does not judge us by what we don't do with what we don't have.

Quotes about important things that begin with C (Chocolate, Coffee; Cookies, & Cake)

Cooks must not be very bright:
They take a light fluffy cake with no substance and call it angel food cake. However, the rich, dark cake that is full of character they call devil's food cake.  Obviously, they must have it backwards.

If it ain’t chocolate, it ain’t real food.

I like days that begin and end in chocolate.

One of the reasons there are so many wars is that we don’t take enough cookie breaks.

Hot Topic (inspired by life in Thailand)

"That's easy.  I can do that--no sweat!"  said no one in central Thailand--ever

Sometimes in Thailand it gets so hot that you start sweating as soon as you get out of bed in the morning and start moving.   The other days you don't have to wait that long.

(This one is for those who remember some of Opa's cute sayings--a Thai modification)
To eat I know, to sweat I know, the rest I have to learn.

Edison said, "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration". So I can see that I will never get to genius level in Thailand, because I have a hard time getting my perspiration levels less than 99.999%
Good thing I only sweat on days that end in "y", otherwise I would sweat all the time.
 On just how perfect I am
My oldest sister could type an amazing 100 words per minute, no errors when she was in high school.
That's nothing.
I can do 100 errors per minute, no words.

If they offered it, I would get the extended warranty on the backspace kry.

So why, when you buy a pencil, do you get like 6 inches of lead and 1/4 inch of eraser? If I was that good, I would use a pen.

Hair and there

I'm not bald.  I just dye my hair invisible with highlights of gray.

Miscellaneous Quotes

It was one of those dreary days when you take a color photograph but it comes out black and white.

One thing you don't really see in Thailand is muffler shops, but it is not for lack of need.
If experience is any guide, then my experience is it isn't.
My financial management plan:
Spend less than you make,
Give some away,
Save some for a rainy day.


The internet contains a huge amount of information—some of it is even true.

I'm a virtual compendium of useless information.
I think about this when I am trying to commit to memory important information but I seem to find my brain cells occupied with random, useless information from the past that does not want to make way for it.  Sad that I can remember the theme song from the Spiderman cartoon in the 60s, the Frito Bandito ad lyrics, etc, but I have a hard time remembering scripture that might actually be useful to my life or, as is so important these days), Thai words and grammatical structures.

When I want your opinion, I’ll give it to you.
While someone may have said it before me, I had not heard it before when I first used this in class as an adolescent because I was (surprise) an adolescent. (Do I need more reason than that?)

Satisfying the needs of computer databases does not lead to satisfaction of the soul.
Birthed when part of my job included populating soil databases.

Dead people don't snore.
This does NOT mean we should kill people who snore.  It is a reminder that sometimes the people we love may have quirks (I know I have my share) and we should let those quirks be a reminder to us that these people are still around.  One day they may not be around and we may wish we had the quirks back because it would mean we had the loved one back.

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