Sunset Over the Mekong River

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Morning Prayer

Sunrise in Phon Phisai 2017-8-13 14

I am a morning person, a topic I address in a humorous fashion here. (I am one of those who refer to the practice of changing time in the spring as DST—Daylight Stealing Time—because the night people steal daylight from the morning people.) As such, my best time to try to connect with God is the morning. This song is a simple morning prayer to begin such a time.

Speak to Me

© Edd Russell

Fresno 8/2006




C                        Em

In the morning, Lord

Dm                     G

When my heart is tender;

C                     Em

As the dawn awakes,

Dm                     G

When my mind is fresh,





Dm          G

Speak to me, Lord.

Dm        G

Let me hear Your voice.

Dm          G

Speak to me, Lord.

Dm         G

Let me know Your truth.




Come to me, Lord

Fill me with Your Spirit.

Come to me, Lord,

Fill me with Your pow’r.


Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—Colossians 1:21–22 (NIV)

We were God's enemies. We were at war with God. We were not for the things of God, we were for the things of this world. But God made a way for us to be reconciled to Him through the death of Jesus. We don't have to be at war with God anymore. W can change sides because God made it possible.


© Edd Russell (9/1998)

Colossians 1:21,22



G                                                           C

I'm no longer      at war with You, O God.

         G                                                         C

The long entrenched     battle lines are gone.

          G                                                                         C

The troops which marched    against You all have turned--

                G                                                     C

They've seen the light    joined the other side.



D          C



I've been reconciled.

D                                  D7

Not by my righteous acts,

                    C                       D

But by the power of Your love.




I've been reconciled--

G                                                   D                            G (-C-G)

Jesus gave His life that I might be at peace with God.



My sin was black    as the darkest night,

I seldom had    intentions to do right.

But Jesus came     lived a righteous life,

And made a bridge     to You upon the cross.


God Will Come in Glory

Leptosyne bigelovii A. Gray Asteraceae Asteroideae-Coreopsideae-Bigelow coreopsis, Bigelow tickseed 15

35 The desert and the parched land will be glad; 

the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. 

Like the crocus, 2 it will burst into bloom; 

it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. 

The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, 

the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; 

they will see the glory of the Lord, 

the splendor of our God. 

3 Strengthen the feeble hands, 

steady the knees that give way; 

4 say to those with fearful hearts, 

“Be strong, do not fear; 

your God will come, 

he will come with vengeance; 

with divine retribution 

he will come to save you.” 

5 Then will the eyes of the blind be opened 

and the ears of the deaf unstopped. 

6 Then will the lame leap like a deer, 

and the mute tongue shout for joy. 

Water will gush forth in the wilderness 

and streams in the desert. 

 Isaiah 35:1-6 (NIV, 1984)

God Will Come in Glory

Isaiah 35:1, 5, 6

© Edd Russell

Bakersfield 7/2000



The desert will be glad,

         D                                    Em

The parched land thirst no more,

                 D                    Em

The wilderness will rejoice.   (2x)


C               D           C             D

     It will burst out     into bloom.


       G    D        C 

Oh, it   will rejoice

G              D           C

     And shout for joy, for

G                   D            C

     God will come in glory,

G                             D                       C

     We’ll see His splendor with our eyes.


Em                   D

The blind will see,

Em                  D

the deaf will hear,

Em                    D

The Lame will run—

                        G                      D          C

And with the mute we will shout for joy, and

G       D       C 

We   will rejoice

G              D           C

     And shout for joy, for

G                   D            C

     God will come in glory,

G                             D                       C

     We’ll see His splendor with our eyes.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

No Reason to Complain

26And the LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying, 27“How long shall this wicked congregation grumble against me? I have heard the grumblings of the people of Israel, which they grumble against me. (Numbers 14:26-27 ESV)

The People Complain to Moses

Grumbling. Whining. Complaining. I found myself doing it again. God called the nation of Israel wicked because of their grumbling—grumbling in spite of His miraculous provision and leading in their lives. Why is it so wicked? Because grumbling is a sign of lack of trust in God and, ultimately, a lack of love for God. And I found myself behaving like these Israelites. As I reflected on this, I was reminded of other behaviors that imply a lack of love for or trust in God. So even though my lips might say that I love God, my actions might be saying something else. God convicted me of this sin and this song was born.

I Want to Love You Jesus

© Edd Russell, Fresno 8/30/2006



E                 B/D#            C#m

   How can I say      that I love You

                 A                       B

   When I avoid You all the time?

E                      B/D#          C#m

   How can You know that I love You

         A                      B

   If all—all I do is whine?


A    B                          E       B/D#  C#m

   I want to love You, Jesus,

A                    B                        E

   Spend each moment by Your side.

A            B                   E         B/D#  C#m

   To be closer to You, Jesus

A  B                       E

   Resting in Your arms.



E                 B/D#            C#m

   How can I say      that I love You

                   A                                 B

   When I’m chasing this life’s offerings?

E                      B/D#          C#m

   How can You know that I love You

                    A                                          B

   When my heart—my heart seeks other things?


Sunday, October 6, 2024



This song is based on a reflection on some of Jesus' words about Himself and some of his instructions to his followers.

In the first saying, Jesus calls himself the bread of life. We read in John 6:35 and 48 (ESV):
Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
I am the bread of life.

Jesus' followers are not the bread of life, but they can share bread that Jesus provides. When there was a group of 5000 men plus women and children, needing something to eat, Jesus said to His disciples, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.” (Matthew 14:16 - ESV)

Jesus also called Himself The Light of the World:

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12 (ESV)

As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
John 9:5 (ESV)

I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness.
John 12:46 (ESV)

But elsewhere, Jesus says to his disciples, “14You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14–16 - ESV)

As Jesus' followers, we are to shine with the light He gives us and share the bread that He gives us with a needy world.


Edd Russell,  Fresno 7/2004


C2       C/Bb

Jesus, Light of the world

Dm7/A                         C2-C

    We turn our eyes to You.

C2       C/Bb

Jesus, Light of the world

Dm7/A                        C2-C

    We fix our gaze on You.




C/D  C/E   F-C/E-Gs/D-G/D

You  are  Je   -   sus

              F-C/E      Gs/D-G/D

And You shine on us                                   (After V2: And You fill us)

               F    C/E      Gs/D-G/D

And You burn in our hearts

             F       G        C2-C

    A desire to know You


C2      C/Bb

Jesus, Bread for the world

Dm7/A                          C2-C

    We fill our lives with You.

C2      C/Bb

Jesus, Bread for the world,

Dm7/A                         C2-C

    Our life comes from You.


                  F  G     C

We want to know You,

                  F  G  C

To become like You;

F                 G             C  C/B   Am

   Make our hearts to be like Yours,

F                    G        C     C/Bb  Dm7/A  C2  C

   We want to know You.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Communion Song

Sometimes when putting a song together, the words come first and the tune follows sometime in the future. Sometimes the words and tune come at the same time. This one is different, as I put the words to an existing tune. The tune I borrowed from a song to my first girlfriend which I wrote in late 1980. While that relationship didn't last, I liked the chords. I don't remember when I acutually wrote a communion song to go with the melody, but at some point in the ensuing 20 years it happened as the first dated copy I have is from 2003.

And when (Jesus) had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. (1 Corinthians 11:24 KJV)

Communion Song
©Edd Russell, Fresno 8/2003

C2                                      FM7  FM7/E-FM7/D
    This bread You give, O Lord,
C2                                 FM7   FM7/E-FM7/D
   Your body broken for me
G7/B                         G7/A-G7        G7/A
Though I’m the one who’s broken
FM7                             C2 C2/D-C2/E
In You I’m made complete

F                                       G
    You gave Your life for me
F                                 C-C/B-Am
    Gave it up on that tree
Now I give You my life
Dm                          C2-FM7 FM7/E-FM7/D-C2
    Take it from me now

C2                                   FM7      FM7/E-FM7/D
    This cup You give, O Lord,
C2                                  FM7      FM7/E-FM7/D
    To wash away all my sin
G7/B                                G7/A-G7       G7/A
Though I still stumble all the  time
FM7                                C2      C2/D-C2/E
You are there to pick me up

F                                           G
    You shed Your blood for me
F                                     C-C/B-Am
    Poured it out on that tree
Now I give You my life
Dm                           C2-FM7      FM7/E-FM7/D-C2
     Take it from me now

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Behold, O Lord

In the fall of 1981, I found myself in the hamlet of Stouffville, Ontario, Canada. I had come there to take part in some training with a group called Emmanuel International before heading overseas for a year. The organization was founded by a man named George Middleton, a former missionary to Ethiopia with SIM.

It was a life-changing time for me, and not only because I met Ingrid there (though that was pretty life-changing). At the training we learned practical things like driving 4x4 vehicles off-road and how to maintain them. Milking cows. Preparing chicken from scratch. I even got to have my first experience with hypothermia (that was not part of the required training). But also as part of the training, on most days George would give us instruction on spiritual formation. During this time I became especially aware of my own inadequacy before God—how much even my good works fell short of God's standards—and how much we needed Jesus if we were to accomplish anything for God. We can't be Godly without the power of God. As Zechariah was told to encourage Zerubabbel when facing a seemingly impossible task, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts." (Zechariah 4:6 ESV)

Emmanual International Building_edited-1
Emmanuel International HQ in Stouffville

This song started as a poem in response to what was going on inside of me while I was at the training. The tune and chords came later.

Behold, O Lord
© Edd Russell (Fall 1980, Stouffville, Ontario; Emmanuel International)

E                                 F#7  A                                     E
Behold, O Lord how much... do we withhold from you.
       E                            F#7  A                                             E
We say it's you that we love... But we don't act like that's true.
      B                     E                  B                      C#m
If God you can forgive,... and make our lives a light:
 A        B        C#m           A    B                       E
Take them, O Lord from us--   help us to live right.

How can we lie so much,
how can we live like the dead?
How can we always live our lives
without you as the head?
We give our lives to you, God,
use them as you would:
Crucify our hearts, O God,
Make them as they should.

You have created us, O God,
To you we do belong.
Take our lives, we pray, O God,
Make our lives a song:
A song that sings to you, Lord,
To you gives glory alone—
Let us sing for you, O God,
Until you take us home.