Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land.Proverbs 25:25 (NIV)
In Thailand it is not unusual for utilities to remain in the name of the landlord. Whoever moves into a new place takes over paying the bills, even though nothing is in the name of the new tenant. Since moving here we have received a few such things. But yesterday when I looked in the mailbox there was a big surprise:
It was the first personal mail we’ve received since moving to Ban Phrueksa.
Perhaps it’s because we seldom use the post office to send mail these days that receiving a letter seems so special. But another thing about getting the first mail is that it makes us feel a bit settled—like this is really our home now.
Moving around as much as we have the past few years, it is hard to feel like there is any place that we call home any more. We live in one place long enough to begin to develop some relationships, but just when ministry type things seem to start happening, we’re moving on again.
But now, Ban Phrueksa is home. Even the Thailand Post Office knows it.
As Judy Garland said, “there’s no place like home.”
So thanks, Shelly and Rob for the Christmas letter and especially the family photo.
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