When people ask me if I like traveling, I typically respond, “I like being other places, but I don’t particularly like traveling.”
Usually when I am going some place, my goal is typically on my destination, not my journey. I tend to dislike disruptions and once I hop on a bicycle or jump in a car, it is really hard for me to stop the vehicle and get out.
Yet life is so much about the journey and not so much about the destination. If God’s goal for us was only to get to heaven, then He would likely just take us from this world as soon as we believe in Jesus.
But He doesn’t do that. Because our planetary purpose is about the journey. Things we often see as interruptions are ministry opportunities that God puts in our lives. Our choice is whether we want to be like the religious leaders who walked right by the man who had been robbed on the way to Jericho, or like the Samaritan man, whose name has become synonymous for one who helps out those he encounters.
Too often, I live like the former. One incident is deeply embedded in my brain.
Many years ago, I was assisting a co-worker with his work in Twenty-nine Palms, California. We had begun the day early, while it was still dark, and had put in a long day. I was on my way home to Bakersfield and I pulled into a McDonald’s in Barstow for dinner. I normally don’t like to eat at McDonalds but I just wanted have something fast so that I could be on my way home.
As I got in line, I noticed a homeless man and I felt the Spirit stirring me to buy him a meal. But, like the religious leaders in the story above, I chose to ignore such promptings, justifying my actions by the fact that I had already put in a long day and I wasn’t even done yet.
When I sat down with my food, I noticed that someone else had bought some food for the homeless man and was giving it to him. And the Spirit seemed to speak to me, “you ignored me, and someone else is going to get the blessing.”
You think I would have learned from that, but still I have a tendency to rush by ministry opportunities that God puts in front of me on my way to ministries of MY own design and under MY control.
Lord, help me to “stop and smell the roses” as I walk along life’s path. Help me to be more like the Samaritan who sees the ministry opportunities that You have placed right in front of us, that I have a propensity to totally NOT see. And by Your grace through Christ Jesus, forgive me for all the times when I refused to see what you wanted me to see in order that I might be a channel of your love in the lives of those around me. Forgive me my pride in thinking that somehow the ministries that I have designed are more important than the ones You have laid out before me.
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