Lots of things are subject to wear and tear. But wear and tear can have different affects on things.
Even things of the same nature can be differently affected by wear and tear.
The other day I was noticing some seashells. Some seashells as they get old look just plain old. Broken. Worn. Chipped.

On the other hand, aging and wearing down seems to enhance or bring out beauty hidden some shells.

About 30 years ago I made the observation that when people get old they seem to go one of two ways. Some people get better with age. Others just get bitter.
I determined that I would rather be one of those who gets better than bitter. But I'm not totally sure I know how to do that.
Now, a few decades on, I can see how one can easily slip from the path to being better to the path of being bitter.
So how do I do it? How do I become like one of those sea shells that gets more beautiful with time?
One one of the key ingredients that seemed apparent to me even back then is forgiveness. If we don't learn to forgive, we will get bitter sooner rather than later.
Another characteristic of non-bitter people seems to be gratefulness. They don't think the world owes them anything and they are grateful for what they have. They don't compare what they have with what others have.
Another thing I notice about non-bitter people is that they are good listeners. They are truly interested in others and listen not with the intent of one-upping them but to really hear what they have to say.
There may be other things and perhaps some of those who are older than me could add to the list.
Jesus said: "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men." (Matthew 5:13 NIV)
We who believe in Jesus are supposed to be like salt to the earth-enhancing the quality of it. If we get better as we age, we can continue to do so. But if we get bitter, we become like salt without saltiness-just plain grit that scratches things and roughs things up.
Lord, help me to get better with age. Help me to forgive those who have offended me. Help me to be grateful and appreciative for what I have. Help me to really be interested in others. Help me to hang onto my saltiness.
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