I like to ride my bike because it is a good way to get exercise and, while doing so, I generate my own wind, which helps make the activity more bearable in the hot humid climate of Thailand.
Usually, though not always, I start off with an idea of where I will go. Sometimes it is a route I've been on before, on other occasions it may be a route I picked out on the map. Such was the case one day last week. But while I was out exploring, I noticed the map showing a bridge across the Phan River, and when I got to that road that this supposed bridge was on, I found it was a wide, paved road. Change of plans. I wasn't really thinking about how I would also cross the Pao River, which I would need to do to get home.
Shortly after I crossed the bridge there was a "road narrows" sign, but with the narrowing also came an ending—of the pavement. I kept going, checking the map now and then to see that I was still on roads that might go through to somewhere I would like to go. After a brief stretch on pavement, I found another road that, according to the map, had a bridge across the Pao River. Off I went.
After going about 50 yards I was wondering why there would be a bridge on that road, it was just a farm road and not even a good one at that.
Oh, that's why.
Bridge Across the Pao River
I'm not sure what kind of load the bridge was rated for, but I felt comfortable crossing on my bicycle. Just after I crossed the bridge, I hit pavement.
Yesterday was similar. I worked my plan for the first 8 kilometers. Then I got to where the map showed two options to get to where I was planning on going. But the option I chose turned out to not really be a road and I ended up on another track going in a different direction, but hey, at least the map showed the possibility of getting across the rice paddies to the road back home. The first part was a bit rough and I debated turning back. But then I came to a village and turned onto a better track. This next route, even though it wasn't paved, was smoother than some of the paved roads in the area. And there was another bridge to cross, this time over an irrigation canal.
Bridge Across Irrigation Canal
After crossing the bridge, it was quite scenic. The ride may not have been as I planned it, but it was probably better.
Scenic Spot Along the Way
Though there was a short stretch of less developed trail.
Road Narrows
Our ministry life is similar to my bike rides. We have a meeting with our core team on Tuesday mornings. Except on weeks when something comes up (most of the time)—in which case we switch to another day. We finally got a rhythm established of when we will do things like making house or hospital visits, teaching English, youth activities, and church worship meetings.
Planning Meeting
English Class
Hospital Visits
Sunday School
Youth Activities - Before Songkran Holidays (no masks required)
But then came the Songkran holidays, a time of year when people travel to their home provinces to visit their families. This year, Songkran corresponded with a new outbreak of COVID-19 in Bangkok and surrounding areas, so many of these vacationers brought the virus along for the ride. Next thing you know, there is a call from the village head to suspend church meetings for two weeks. Then things got worse, COVID-19 wise, nationwide and now there are even more restrictions on travel and gatherings. So we find ourselves spending most of our time at home and avoiding crowds when we go out. Nationwide, it is mandatory to wear a mask outside the home—this includes traveling in a car when you're not by yourself, even if you're with a family member—and the fine for breaking this law can be up to 20,000 THB (about $650 US).
This is not how we planned it.
But, hopefully it will be like yesterday's bike ride, where the road was be a bit rough at first, but it gives way to something better than we planned. We just need to push through the rough part and not turn back.
The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9 (ESV)