Sunset Over the Mekong River

Thursday, May 20, 2021

An Appointment With Jesus

Today we received word about one of my wife's uncles. The message we received from his daughter via my sister-in-law was:

"My dad is in heaven I can hardly believe it! He had breakfast, walked to his room and sat in his chair where he reads his Bible and they found him there."

It seems that Uncle Garry had an appointment with Jesus. This was a little different than the previous ones, in that it started in his usual meeting place in the care center, but ended in a much more glorious one in the presence of Jesus.

Parkinson's had robbed Uncle Garry of his mobility the past few years, but not his mind. He had much wisdom to offer those who had patience to listen, as his physical limitations made it difficult for him to speak.

Uncle Garry and his wife, Connie, had spent most of their adult lives moving around Canada and Europe to tell and show people about the love of Jesus. In his later years, his ministry was to international students living in Canada.

We actually did not see him very much, because he was usually living someplace away from the rest of his siblings. (In that way, they were a lot like us.) He was a soft spoken man, and when I think about him I am reminded of the words of Paul, "let your conversation be always full of grace." (Colossians 4:6) I hope I can speak so well as I mature.

Uncle Garry passed his love of Jesus on to his children who continue to minister that love to others.

Camp Nakamun Fri Eve Get-Together-21
Uncle Garry with my Father-in-Law

We will miss you, Uncle Garry, but we're happy that now you can lift your head to see Jesus face-to-face.


  1. This verse from Genesis about Enoch reminded me about Uncle Garry's heavenly appointment today: Enoch habitually walked with God and he was transferred to heaven. He had a change in location!

  2. This verse from Genesis about Enoch reminded me about Uncle Garry's heavenly appointment today: Enoch habitually walked with God and he was transferred to heaven. He had a change in location!
