Recently someone was wondering about my emotional response to something. He was a bit confused, so I offered up some explanation.
God has blessed me with the ability to generate copious amounts of body fluids. One of the chief among them are tears.
Lots of things cause me to cry.
- Laughing.
- Sneezing.
- Cool winds below about 70F/20C (makes bike riding challenging in Fresno winters)
- Yawning. (Hate to burst your bubble, preachers, but those probably aren't tears of conviction and repentance. Maybe you need to shorten the message; not lengthen it.)
I do also shed tears for emotional reasons, something I seem to have inherited from my mom. There are two categories of these.
- Tears of empathy for others. I cry when I sense either hurt OR joy on the part of others. Forget the "ten-hanky movie"--just bring me the whole box.
- Tears related to my own pain OR joy. I would say that the majority of these by far are tears of joy (I seldom cry at my own pain or sorrow).
I have shed a lot of tears this past week. As we have processed some of the difficulties we have encountered this past year, I have been overwhelmed by the love, grace and support shown me by the people of God. It's not like I deserve it. It's because people have been responding out of the tremendous reserve of love they have in Jesus. And it's overwhelming.
But it gets better. This great love I have experienced this week is nothing compared to the love shown to us by Jesus. One night in the garden, Jesus faced a choice. Would Jesus act within his rights and walk the path of self-preservation? Or would he choose the path of love--love for those who don't deserve it? He chose the path of love: the path to the cross.
"God shows his love for us", scripture says, "in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8 ESV)
Which path would we choose? Do act within our rights and choose the path of self-preservation? Or do we choose the path of love, the path of the cross? (This seems an especially pertinent question in light of the recent election in America.) It is a very difficult path to choose the path of love--but what a blessing we can be to others.
Jesus said: So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35 (NLT)
We are the vehicles God has chosen to show His love to the world. If we don't do it, who will?
I am so grateful this week for those who have chosen the path of Jesus. I have been overwhelmed by His love as demonstrated by others.
One day, when I depart from this life, don't be surprised if it rains. If the love I have received this week from God's people has caused me so much joy, how much more will the joy I experience in the presence of Jesus cause an outpouring of tears

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